Monday, May 12, 2014

Episode 20: Who Wants to Live Forever?

Greetings to all my fellow geeks, nerds, dorks, weirdos, fanboys and girls, goobers, dweebs, poindexters, freakazoids, and bookworms! It's been a while since we updated the site so I figured I should right now, after all, we're not going to live forever, right? Or are we? What if you could live forever? What if you were immortal? What would you do? Where would you go? What untold stories would you tell those who live and die before you? We were curious so we headed down to Geek-Central, switched on the Geek-A-Tron 5000 and downed a bottle of Mountain Dew to energize us for a world without age, death, or time. Join us....FOR-EV-VER! FOR-EV-VER!

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