Monday, May 12, 2014
Episode 24: Spider-FAIL
Greetings, Geekfans! We here at the Geek-A-Tron 5000 are serious fans of the Spiderman comic book universe. From The Spectacular Spiderman, The Amazing Spiderman, Ultimate Spiderman, and The Web of Spiderman, all versions and storylines are enjoyed by the staff of Geek Central. That being said, the GeekMaster saw The Amazing Spiderman 2 in theaters and has a serious ax to grind with not only this year's Spidey release, but pretty much every single movie since 2002! We rant, we scorn, we bash, we burn, and we tear apart the on-screen appearances of the web-slinging superhero and how we could fix his besmirched image if given the proper funding! So pull on your spandex, charge up your goblin glider, and reload your web-shooters as we summarily dismantle what SONY has done to this beloved comic franchise! RESPONSIBILITY!!
Episode 23: Joffrey, We Hardly Knew Ye
Did you think we were done discussing Game of Thrones, Geekfans? Nope! We returned to the world of knights and kings to go through the recent controversial happenings in Westeros surrounding the event of the century fans are calling, "The Purple Wedding"! Be advised, however, this episode goes into SERIOUS SPOILERS! So if you haven't watched season 4 of Game of Thrones, considered yourself warned! With that being said, sheath your swords, pack your saddle bags, practice your royal curtsy, and strap into your torture rack as we discuss the Purple Wedding and why fans haven't been this surprised since the Red Wedding!
Episode 22: The Return of the Kings
Good tidings thy good Lords and Ladies! Tis time for the fourth season of Game of Thrones! Doth thou vieweth the most splendid television spectacle ever to grace the magical screen as we doth? Doth thou - er - ok, enough medieval speech - The Game Of Thrones gang is back with the fourth season and things have gotten mighty interesting. So we at Geek Central assembled the small council to discuss the recent developments in the lands of Westeros and Essos. We follow the powerful Lannisters, the vengeful Baratheons, the sneaky spies, and the faraway Targaryen Queen Danny! So climb onto your warhorse, don the full plate armor, and join us as we talk about how amazing the newest season of George R. R. Martin's fantasy adventure has become! BRING ME A HORN OF ALE!!
Episode 21: Rise of the Machines
Look Out Geekfans! The robots are here! But not to worry, they're here to help us....or so we hope. Movies and television have given our mechanical brothers and sisters an awful bad rap, but the GeekMaster and friends don't judge! We love robots, androids, and all matter of automatons here at Geek Central so we discussed the long history of robots that have been helping humans for years and how the innovation in the robotics industry will eventually lead us to the cybernetic future! So strap in your hydraulic arms, screw in your quantum memory circuits and join us as we go through the world of robotics! I FEEL ALIIIIVE!!
Episode 20: Who Wants to Live Forever?
Greetings to all my fellow geeks, nerds, dorks, weirdos, fanboys and girls, goobers, dweebs, poindexters, freakazoids, and bookworms! It's been a while since we updated the site so I figured I should right now, after all, we're not going to live forever, right? Or are we? What if you could live forever? What if you were immortal? What would you do? Where would you go? What untold stories would you tell those who live and die before you? We were curious so we headed down to Geek-Central, switched on the Geek-A-Tron 5000 and downed a bottle of Mountain Dew to energize us for a world without age, death, or time. Join us....FOR-EV-VER! FOR-EV-VER!
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