Sunday, February 9, 2014

Episode 19 : Surviving The End Times

Episode 19
Well, the Mayans weren't quite the world-enders we thought they were, were they Geekfans? Nope, but what would you do if one of the many other apocalypse scenarios came true? Nuclear holocaust, global flooding, killer robots, alien invasion, and even those pesky genetically engineered apes all pose a significant threat to the human race. So we asked what would it take to survive such hopeless circumstances? We here at Geek central gathered our emergency supplies and donned the aluminium foil hats and discussed which end times were too treacherous to even try to survive, and which seemed like a walk in the atomic radiated park! I REGRET NOTHING!!!

Episode 18: Nerdy Movie Talk

 Episode 18
Greetings Earthlings! It's a brand new year! And with that comes brand new movies! So the GeekMaster and his crew of filming-loving miscreants came in to talk about all the upcoming films that we're looking forward to, and the ones that are sure to fall out of the sky and perish in flames. So join us with your popcorn, jujubees and extra large diet coke as we discuss which movies of 2014 will surely get the thumbs down, and which ones we'll be surely seeing ourselves!