Sunday, November 24, 2013

Episode 15: Take Me To Your Podcast

Look out everybody! The Aliens have landed!! Well, not really, but the GeekMaster has been watching ALOT of Ancient Aliens lately and so in this episode we talk about the ever intriguing subject of the existence of extra terrestrials on Earth, and we talk about the Ancient Aliens guy and how fabulous his hair is, for real! So follow us into the spaceship and remember your toothbrush, it's going to be a looooooong journey!!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Episode 14: The Walking Dead/Thor 2 Roundup

What's up everybody, Joe here, the Geekmaster himself! We've been watching The Walking Dead and I saw Thor: The Dark World, and darn it, we wanna talk about it. So check it out and don't forget your ammo and grab mjölnir as we discuss both an amazing sci-fi/horror tv thriller and the newest Marvel movie leading to Avengers 2!!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Episode 13: Attack of the Thrones

Greetings Gamefans! Do you like Games? No, not video games, and no not Hunger Games, we're talking Game of Thrones! With the studio crew in tow, we strive henceforth into the medieval world of George R.R. Martin's hit HBO series. So mount your horse, sharpen your blade, and watch out for dragonfire as we go into warring houses, claims to the throne, faraway queens, and magical creatures of ice and fire!

Monday, November 4, 2013


MARVEL HALLOWEEN COMIC SPECIAL! What better way to celebrate 'Costumed Day' than to break down hypothetical Nerd fantasies of our costumed heroes facing off in glorious battle?!? We ranted and raved about our favored Marvel Vs. DC match ups and which of the movies worked out. So throw out the candy corn, it's never been good, and summon your allies as we tear into 50 years of comic character battles. GET MY WOLVERINE PJ's!!!!!

Episode 11: Attack of the Bad Remakes!

Hey movie fans. With so many movies and remakes of remakes of movies, we hung out and bitched about the ones that were either cheaply made or jumped the shark, ruining the franchise! So grab your popcorn and try not to throw any tomatoes as we delve into a world without originality! DEAD OR ALIVE, I'M IN A RUBBER SUIT!